대한민국 제품입니다.

Practical commercial solar panel cleaning robots designed with the understandings of the site conditions and technical requirements
Lift & Shift / Permanent installaton / Automatic solar panel cleaning solutions
Solmaks [ Solmæx ] solar panel cleaning robots
Phone : +82 31 889 5551
Mobile : +82 10 9695 5552
Fax : +82 31 889 5552
Integra Global, Established since 2006
Solar panel cleaning robots since 2012 in Korea, Rep.
Delivered to 10 countries
Solmaks C / No battery powered / Non motorized / No automation
Entry-level product without the big commitment for customers
Movement with one manpower requirement
Best price tag
No big commitment
Reversing mechanism of rotating brush for fowarding directions
Self-driving wheel cleaning capability in operation
Remote control by mobile interface using WiFi(android) + Button control
Design dimensions available( Length ) / Speed
1 ~ 2m
Speed : with 1 manpower requirement
a single brush
Reversing mechanism of rotating brush for forwarding directions of product
approx. 25 ~ 30 Kg
Concealed wiring and simplified piping system
Equipped with 2 sensors
Durability / Solidity / Weatherability / Adaptability
Aluminum precision parts / Sophisticated assembly / Durable urethan & aluminum driving wheels / < NEMA 4X level / Rust resistant
Reliability under dirty working conditions
Dirt and wear,water resistant design
Adjustments of all driving wheels position / Adjustments of main brush position
Self driving wheel cleaning capability
Self-driving wheel cleaning capability in operation
Cleaning mode
Dry cleaning / Wet cleaning ( water nozzles )
Independent rail tracks and docking stations
Solmaks B / Solar panel cleaning brush with a telescopic pole / order made
Movement with one manpower requirement
Best price tag
No big commitment
Reversing mechanism of rotating brush for fowarding directions
Telescopic pole length : 3 ~ 6m
Solmaks B : Motorized
Solmaks B1 : Non motorized