대한민국 제품입니다.

현장 특성과 고객의 기술적 요구 사항의 정확한 이해를 바탕으로 설계된 실질적인 상업용 태양광패널 클리닝 솔루션입니다.
강력하고 튼튼한 이동식 / 상시 거치식 / 수동 / 반자동 / 완전자동 / 소형 / 중형 / 대형 솔루션
솔맥스(Solmaks) 태양광 패널 클리닝 솔루션
이메일 : official@integrag.com
Phone : 031 889 5551
Mobile : 010 9695 5552
Fax : 031 889 5552
2006년 INTEGRA GLOBAL 설립 / 2012년 법인 전환
2012년부터 축적된 기술력과 노하우로 제작됩니다 / 한국 제품
주문 제작 / 10개국 공급 / 태양광 패널 청소 서비스
" We are the world's original & leading manufacturer of
robotic solar panel cleaning machine and system "
We are
Originally Integra Global (as a sole proprietorship) based in Korea, Rep. was established in 2006 as a general international trading & factory & logistics automation company and was converted into a corporate level company in 2012 being specialized in sophisticated automated cleaning machine and system for solar PV system.
Ultimate Standard
The robotic solar panel cleaning products being produced with our experience and expertise provide the ultimate standard to catalyze the break-even time-frame on the solar energy investment of utility scale, commercial and residential solar PV system optimizing production efficiency up to
5 ~ 35 %
The patented Solmaks® is the brand name for automated solar photovoltaic panel cleaning machine and system to remove dirt, sand dust, traffic pollutants, birds drops, snow, coal and iron residues, salt debris, leaves, ash, etc.
on the surface of solar PV panels by dry-cleaning or wet-cleaning promptly and accurately.

2006년 설립
Solmaks SE / Solmaks E : Standard solar panel cleaning robot
Solmaks M : 4-section detachable solar panel cleaning robot
Solmaks F : Free motion solar panel cleaning robot
Solmaks P : Length adjustable solar panel cleaning robot
Solmaks One : Horizontal and vertical motion solar panel cleaning robot
* Made to order products

" Pioneering solar panel cleaning industry
since 2012 "